Cordel is a type of folk literature printed
on pamphlets illustrated with woodblock prints. The name indicates the way the
poems are presented to the reader; the booklets are hung on strings at street
fairs and farmer’s markets. Brought over by the Portuguese in the second half
of the 19th century, the cordel
is still quite prevalente in the Northeast.
The poems narrate events in daily life, such as floods and droughts, heroic deeds performed by the cangaceiros (a heavily armed gang that roamed throughout the Northeast scrub region in the first three decades of the 20th century), the lives of other famous bandits, miracles, and events in Brazil ’s recent history.
Books about Cordel Literature:
Cordel Adolescente , Ó Xente ! - Coleção Vertentes
Author: Orthoff, Sylvia
Editor: Quinteto Editorial
Minhas Rimas de Cordel
Author: Obeid, César
Editor: Moderna
Cordel - Expedito Sebastião da Silva
Author: Silva, Expedito Sebastião da
Editor: Hedra
Cordel - Francisco das Chagas Batista
Author: Batista, Francisco das Chagas
Editor: Hedra
Cordel - Franklin Maxado
Author: Maxado, Franklin
Editor: Hedra
Cordel - Paulo Nunes Batista
Author: Batista, Paulo Nunes
Editor: Hedra
Mitos e Lendas do Brasil em Cordel
Author: Longobardi, Nireuda
Editor: Paulus
Romances de Cordel
Author: Gullar, Ferreira
Editor: Jose Olympio.
Lula na Literatura de Cordel
Author: Neto, Crispiniano
Editor: Imeph
Meu Livro de Cordel
Author: Cora Coralina
Editor: Global
O que é Literatura de Cordel - Coleção Primeiros Passos Vol. 317
Author: Luyten, Joseph M.
Editor: Brasiliense
Patativa do Assaré - Coleção Biblioteca de Cordel
Author: Assare, Patativa do
Editor: Hedra
"Eu sou de uma terra que o povo padece mas não esmorece e procura vencer.
Da terra querida, que a linda cabocla de riso na boca zomba no sofrê.
Não nego meu Sangue, não nego meu nome. Olho para a fome, pergunto: Que há?
Eu sou brasileiro, filho do nordeste, sou cabra da peste, sou do Ceará."
I tried a translation about it's written in the image., but I'm afraid that has not been very good, sorry for anything.
"I'm from a land that people suffer but don't fade(give up), and seeks to overcome.
The beloved land, that beautiful Cabocla(Indian Woman) of laughter mouth mocks while suffer.
I don't deny my blood, don't deny my name. Watch for the hungry, ask: What is it?
I am Brazilian, son of the Northeast, I'm brave man, I'm from Ceará."
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